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About Andrea

Live Blood Cell Analysis
1 hour sessions
$120 (tax incl.)
Session includes photos, comprehensive report and recommendations
My Story


I was always very athletic and interested in general health and fitness. I decided to jump into the bodybuilding ring in my mid-twenties and learned a lot about eating healthier and using specific exercises to maximize muscle growth. It was not until after I retired from competing two years later that I realized how unhealthy working out six days a week and eating six times a day was for me. I came out of it with hormone imbalances and a strong sense of insecurity in my own skin. 

It took about a year to get my hormones balanced and slowly I became a lot happier than I had ever been back in my 'old' skin. 

My mother was then diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer around Thanksgiving over 9 years ago. This shook my world. She was in complete denial of what was going on and did not even want to know what exactly cancer was. So I did all the research I could on what causes cancer, natural treatments, and how to prevent it.

Well from there, my yearning for a natural lifestyle poured over into my diet, the products I use on my skin, hair, teeth, in my home, etc...and today I am proudly holistically raising 3 beautiful children and ensuring that my husband and I will be incredibly healthy as we watch them grow.

Autism, allergies, ADD, Alzheimers, Cancer, Auto-immune related diseases, Diabetes are all growing at a rapid rate, and I believe that in most cases, this is all preventable through nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle.

I believe it is my life's mission to help others return to homeostasis - most people feel sick and tired everyday and have no idea that they could be feeling one million times better if they only made some changes. If you are tired of feeling sick and tired, now is the time for you to do something about it. You are the master of your own destiny. We have one life to live on this planet, don't waste it not feeling optimal.


Be Well,




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