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  • Writer's pictureAndrea McMurtry

Make Your Own Onion & Garlic Powder

Don’t get me wrong, I love buying organic ingredients and supporting my body in a nourishing way. But if I can make my own products with no preservatives and put some cash back in my pocket, you bet I am going to give it a try!

Organic spices are not cheap and garlic and onion powder are spices that I go to often so I find myself forking out usually $5 or more for the organic variety.

A couple of years ago, I purchased a dehydrator, nothing fancy, more of an entry level version (saving up for my Excaliber) and started playing with it, making jerky, crackers, dog treats, etc… then I had a thought about drying herbs from my garden for the winter, like thyme. Was great! Then grew from there. But not to worry, a dehydrator is great, but you can use your oven for this recipe too.

I really enjoy making my own garlic and onion powder now. The taste is INCREDIBLE. You will notice a significant different in the smell alone compared to the spice you buy in-store. And when it is local garlic and onions, even better! And it is pretty darn easy to make.

DIY Garlic & Onion Powder

So…here we go.

Step 1: Peel all of your garlic/onions

Step 2: Slice finely. You don’t want slices that are too thick that will not fully dehydrate.

Step 3: Spread out evenly on your dehydrator tray or baking sheet. be sure to leave space around the pieces so that they can dry evenly.

Step 4: Set your dehydrator to 125° or oven as low as it can go (150°F)

Step 5: I like to run mine overnight and it normally takes 5-8 hours in a dehydrator. In an oven, you might get away with a couple of hours.

Step 6: the garlic/onion MUST be crispy! It can not have any moisture left in it at all otherwise you will get moldy, cruddy, lumpy powder. So have some patience and allow it to dry out completely. Once it is dry, you have a few options. I like to put it all in my Nutribullet and let it do the work, or a coffee grinder works well, or if you want some muscle, try it old school with a mortar and pestle.

Step 7: Store in a nice cool place and enjoy!

Note: A little does not go a long way. If you want to make a lot, be prepared to prep a lot of onions and garlic. I only did just over one bulb for this and ask you can see, I maybe have a few tablespoons.

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